Results for 'Kathleen Murphy Markie'

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  1. What is left of irrationality?Kathleen Murphy-Hollies & Chiara Caporuscio - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (4):808-818.
    In his recent book Bad Beliefs and Why They Happen to Good People, Neil Levy argues that conspiracy theories result from the same rational processes that underlie epistemic success. While we think many of Levy’s points are valuable, like his criticism of the myth of individual cognition and his emphasis on the importance of one’s social epistemic environment, we believe that his account overlooks some important aspects. We argue that social deference is an active process, and as such can be (...)
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    Self-Regulation and Political Confabulation.Kathleen Murphy-Hollies - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 92:111-128.
    In this paper, I discuss the nature and consequences of confabulation about political opinions and behaviours. When people confabulate, they give reasons for their choices or behaviour which are ill-grounded and do not capture what really brought the behaviour about, but they do this with no intention to deceive and endorse their own accounts. I suggest that this can happen when people are asked why they voted a certain way, or support certain campaigns, and so on. Confabulating in these political (...)
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    When a Hybrid Account of Disorder is not Enough: The Case of Gender Dysphoria.Kathleen Murphy-Hollies - 2021 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 17 (2):(SI4)5-26.
    In this paper I discuss Wakefield’s account of mental disorder as applied to the case of gender dysphoria (GD). I argue that despite being a hybrid account which brings together a naturalistic and normative element in order to avoid pathologising normal or expectable states, the theory alone is still not extensive enough to answer the question of whether GD should be classed as a disorder. I suggest that the hybrid account falls short in adequately investigating how the harm and dysfunction (...)
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    The Know‐How of Virtue.Kathleen Murphy-Hollies - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (3):530-548.
    It is widely accepted that virtuous behaviour ought to be motivated in the right way, done for the right reasons, and an appropriate response to the values manifested in a situation. In this article I describe how cases of individuals having poor understanding of the reasons for their behaviour, can nevertheless be conducive to the development of virtue. One way in which giving reasons for one's own behaviour can be inaccurate is when the reasons given are confabulatory. In confabulation, the (...)
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    Why We Should Be Curious about Each Other.Lisa Bortolotti & Kathleen Murphy-Hollies - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (4):71.
    Is curiosity a virtue or a vice? Curiosity, as a disposition to attain new, worthwhile information, can manifest as an epistemic virtue. When the disposition to attain new information is not manifested virtuously, this is either because the agent lacks the appropriate motivation to attain the information or because the agent has poor judgement, seeking information that is not worthwhile or seeking information by inappropriate means. In the right circumstances, curiosity contributes to the agent’s excellence in character: it is appropriate (...)
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    Suboptimal vitamin D screening in older patients with compromised skeletal health.Nahid J. Rianon, Kathleen P. Murphy, Rodrigo Guanlao, Matthew Hnatow, Elaine De Leon & Beatrice J. Selwyn - 2014 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20 (2):144-148.
  7. Agency-First Epistemology of Psychedelics.Lisa Bortolotti & Kathleen Murphy-Hollies - 2022 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 3.
    Letheby’s book is an engaging and crystal-clear exploration of the philosophical issues raised by the use of psychedelic drugs. In this paper, we focus on the epistemological issues Letheby examines in chapter 8 and argue that his analysis requires an agency-first approach to epistemic evaluation. On an agency-first approach, epistemic evaluation is about identifying the skills agents needs to acquire in order to pursue and fulfil their epistemic goals.
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  8. Exceptionalism at the Time of covid-19: Where Nationalism Meets Irrationality.Lisa Bortolotti & Kathleen Murphy-Hollies - 2022 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 55 (2):90-111.
    Exceptionalism is the view that one group is better than other groups and, by virtue of its alleged superiority, is not subject to the same constraints. Here we identify national exceptionalism in the responses made by political leaders in the United States and the United Kingdom to the covid-19 pandemic in early 2020. First, we observe that responses appealed to national values and national character and were marked by a denial of the severity of the situation. Second, we suggest an (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas. [REVIEW]Kathleen E. Murphy - 1929 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 3 (4):699-701.
  10.  66
    Researching Multisystemic Resilience: A Sample Methodology.Michael Ungar, Linda Theron, Kathleen Murphy & Philip Jefferies - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In contexts of exposure to atypical stress or adversity, individual and collective resilience refers to the process of sustaining wellbeing by leveraging biological, psychological, social and environmental protective and promotive factors and processes. This multisystemic understanding of resilience is generating significant interest but has been difficult to operationalize in psychological research where studies tend to address only one or two systems at a time, often with a primary focus on individual coping strategies. We show how multiple systems implicated in human (...)
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    Prayer and Intelligence. [REVIEW]Kathleen E. Murphy - 1929 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 4 (1):147-149.
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    Founders of the Middle Ages. [REVIEW]Kathleen E. Murphy - 1929 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 4 (2):325-328.
  13.  55
    Artificial intelligence for good health: a scoping review of the ethics literature.Jennifer Gibson, Vincci Lui, Nakul Malhotra, Jia Ce Cai, Neha Malhotra, Donald J. Willison, Ross Upshur, Erica Di Ruggiero & Kathleen Murphy - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundArtificial intelligence has been described as the “fourth industrial revolution” with transformative and global implications, including in healthcare, public health, and global health. AI approaches hold promise for improving health systems worldwide, as well as individual and population health outcomes. While AI may have potential for advancing health equity within and between countries, we must consider the ethical implications of its deployment in order to mitigate its potential harms, particularly for the most vulnerable. This scoping review addresses the following question: (...)
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    Researcher views on returning results from multi-omics data to research participants: insights from The Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC) Study.Kelly E. Ormond, Caroline Stanclift, Chloe M. Reuter, Jennefer N. Carter, Kathleen E. Murphy, Malene E. Lindholm & Matthew T. Wheeler - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-10.
    Background There is growing consensus in favor of returning individual specific research results that are clinically actionable, valid, and reliable. However, deciding what and how research results should be returned remains a challenge. Researchers are key stakeholders in return of results decision-making and implementation. Multi-omics data contains medically relevant findings that could be considered for return. We sought to understand researchers' views regarding the potential for return of results for multi-omics data from a large, national consortium generating multi-omics data. Methods (...)
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    Kathleen S. Murphy, Captivity’s Collections: Science, Natural History, and the British Transatlantic Slave Trade, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2023, ISBN: 9781469675909, 256 pp. [REVIEW]Sally Gregory Kohlstedt - 2024 - Journal of the History of Biology 57 (3):489-491.
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    Review essay / justice, mercy, and forgiveness.R. A. Duff - 1990 - Criminal Justice Ethics 9 (2):51-63.
    Jeffrie G Murphy & Jean Hampton, Forgiveness and Mercy Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988, 194 pp. Kathleen Dean Moore, Pardons: Justice, Mercy, and the Public Interest New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989, 271 pp.
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  17. Psychiatry in the Scientific Image.Dominic Murphy - 2005 - MIT Press.
    In _ Psychiatry in the Scientific Image, _Dominic Murphy looks at psychiatry from the viewpoint of analytic philosophy of science, considering three issues: how we should conceive of, classify, and explain mental illness. If someone is said to have a mental illness, what about it is mental? What makes it an illness? How might we explain and classify it? A system of psychiatric classification settles these questions by distinguishing the mental illnesses and showing how they stand in relation to (...)
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  18.  76
    Forgiveness and Mercy.Jeffrie G. Murphy & Jean Hampton - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book focuses on the degree to which certain moral and legal doctrines are rooted in specific passions that are then institutionalised in the form of criminal law. A philosophical analysis is developed of the following questions: when, if ever, should hatred be overcome by sympathy or compassion? What are forgiveness and mercy and to what degree do they require - both conceptually and morally - the overcoming of certain passions and the motivation by other passions? If forgiveness and mercy (...)
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    The Myth of Ownership: Taxes and Justice.Liam B. Murphy & Thomas Nagel - 2002 - Oxford University Press.
    In a capitalist economy, taxes are the most important instrument by which the political system puts into practice a conception of economic and distributive justice. Taxes arouse strong passions, fueled not only by conflicts of economic self-interest, but by conflicting ideas of fairness. Taking as a guiding principle the conventional nature of private property, Murphy and Nagel show how taxes can only be evaluated as part of the overall system of property rights that they help to create. Justice or (...)
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  20. Cognitive And Moral Obstacles To Imputation.Jeffrie Murphy - 1994 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 2.
    We often impute responsibility to others for the purpose of retributive punishment - sometimes hoping that they receive the level of suffering proportional to what Kant calls their "inner wickedness". But do we know enough to do this without reckless error? Are we morally pure enough to do this without hypocrisy? The present essay explores these two questions. Oftmals rechnen wir anderen Verantwortlichkeit zu, um durch Strafe Vergeltung zu üben - und dies manchmal in der Hoffnung, daß ihnen gerade der (...)
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  21. RORTY, R., "Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature".C. Murphy - 1981 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 59:338.
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    Trilogy of Resistance.Timothy S. Murphy (ed.) - 2011 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    With _Trilogy of Resistance_, the political philosopher Antonio Negri extends his intervention in contemporary politics and culture into a new medium: drama. The three plays collected for the first time in this volume dramatize the central concepts of the innovative and influential thought he has articulated in his best-selling books _Empire_ and _Multitude_, coauthored with Michael Hardt. In the tradition of Bertolt Brecht and Heiner Müller, Negri’s political dramas are designed to provoke debate around the fundamental questions they raise about (...)
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  23. The Unfinished Revolution:How a New Generation is Reshaping Family, Work, and Gender in America: How a New Generation is Reshaping Family, Work, and Gender in America.Kathleen Gerson - 2009 - Oup Usa.
    The vast changes in family life-the rise of single, same-sex, and two-paycheck parents-have often been blamed for declining morality and unhappy children. Drawing upon pioneering research with the children of the gender revolution, Kathleen Gerson reveals that it is not a lack of family values, but rigid social and economic forces that make it difficult to live out those values. The Unfinished Revolution makes clear recommendations for a new flexibility at work and at home that benefits families, encourages a (...)
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  24. Alasdair Macintyre.Mark C. Murphy (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The contribution to contemporary philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre is enormous. His writings on ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, philosophy of the social sciences and the history of philosophy have established him as one of the philosophical giants of the last fifty years. His best-known book, After Virtue, spurred the profound revival of virtue ethics. Moreover, MacIntyre, unlike so many of his contemporaries, has exerted a deep influence beyond the bourns of academic philosophy. This volume focuses on the major themes (...)
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    The Moral Economy of Labor: Aristotelian Themes in Economic Theory.James Bernard Murphy - 1993
    This concerns the dignity and the degradation of labour. Work has great power to undermine or to foster happiness. Bernard feels the moral dimension of labour has been neglected in political theory and practice and he aims to restore productive labour to its place in moral and political debate.
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    Trends and differentials in menarcheal age in china.Duolao Wang & Michael Murphy - 2002 - Journal of Biosocial Science 34 (3):349-361.
    This study examines trends in menarcheal age of women born in China between 1950 and 1973, and explores the impact of relevant social background characteristics on the timing of first menarche. Data on recalled ages of menarche collected in the 1988 Chinese Two-per-Thousand Fertility Survey are used in a linear regression model where the covariates are transformed with the help of an Alternating Conditional Expectation (ACE) algorithm. The results indicate that a trend towards early menarche has evolved in China during (...)
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    Transatlantic Divergences in Citizen Science Ethics—Comparative Analysis of the DIYbio Code of Ethics Drafts of 2011.Kathleen Eggleson - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (2):187-192.
    Codes of ethics were drafted by participants in the European and North American Congresses of DIYbio, a single global organization of informal biotechnology practitioners, in 2011. In general, the existence of a code of ethics amongst a community is itself significant. Codes of professional ethics are common in scientific and engineering fields, as well as in DIY communities. It is also significant, and highly unusual, that DIYbio has maintained two separate codes of ethics years after their drafting. While agreement was (...)
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    War's ends: human rights, international order, and the ethics of peace.James G. Murphy - 2014 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
    Before military action, and even before mobilization, the decision on whether to go to war is debated by politicians, pundits, and the public. As they address the right or wrong of such action, it is also a time when, in the language of the just war tradition, the wise would deeply investigate their true claim to jus ad bellum (“the right of war”). Wars have negative consequences, not the least impinging on human life, and offer infrequent and uncertain benefits, yet (...)
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    Critiquing the “Good Enough” Mother: A Perspective Based on the Murik of Papua New Guinea.Kathleen Barlow - 2004 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 32 (4):514-537.
  30.  52
    What Makes Law: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law.Liam Murphy - 2014 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers an advanced introduction to central questions in legal philosophy. What factors determine the content of the law in force? What makes a normative system a legal system? How does law beyond the state differ from domestic law? What kind of moral force does law have? The most important existing views are introduced, but the aim is not to survey the existing literature. Rather, this book introduces the subject by stepping back from the fray to sketch the big (...)
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  31. Spirit Fruit: A Gentle Utopia.H. Roger Grant & James L. Murphy - 1991 - Utopian Studies 2 (1):193-195.
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    Application and Assessment of an Ethics Presentation for Accounting and Business Classes.L. Murphy Smith, Katherine T. Smith & Elizabeth Vallery Mulig - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (2):153-164.
    This paper describes a presentation on ethics for accounting and business students. In 2001 and 2002, major corporate failures such as Enron and Worldcom, combined with questionable accounting practices, made ethics a paramount concern to persons working in business and accounting. While financial statement analysis and regulatory requirements are important technical topics, the issue of ethics provides faculty a unique and very appropriate setting to discuss deeper truths about doing business and living life well. This paper briefly describes the development (...)
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    Joseph Butler on Forgiveness: A Presupposed Theory of Emotion.Paul A. Newberry - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (2):233-244.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.2 (2001) 233-244 [Access article in PDF] Joseph Butler on Forgiveness: A Presupposed Theory of Emotion Paul A. Newberry "I forgive him as far as humanity can forgive. I would do him no injury." Mrs. Dale in Anthony Trollope's The Last Chronicle of Barset, 1867. In the recent philosophical literature on forgiveness, a topic of great concern is the proper characterization of forgiveness (...)
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    What Justifies a Future with Humans in It?Timothy F. Murphy - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (9):751-758.
    Antinatalist commentators recommend that humanity bring itself to a close, on the theory that pain and suffering override the value of any possible life. Other commentators do not require the voluntary extinction of human beings, but they defend that outcome if people were to choose against having children. Against such views, Richard Kraut has defended a general moral obligation to people the future with human beings until the workings of the universe render such efforts impossible. Kraut advances this view on (...)
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  35. A spacious, green and hospitable land: paradise in Old English poetry.Kathleen Barrar - 2004 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 86 (2):105-125.
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  36. Agnes Heller, "A Radical Philosophy".John W. Murphy - 1987 - Studies in Soviet Thought 34 (1/2):124.
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    Book ReviewDiana Tietjens Meyers,, ed. Feminists Rethink the Self. Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1997. Pp. 278. $27.00.Sharon Murphy - 2001 - Ethics 111 (4):817-819.
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    Construction and Rhetoric: A Study of Satan in Paradise Lost.Christopher Murphy - 2012 - Emergence: A Journal of Undergraduate Literary Criticism and Creative Research 3.
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    Digital Wedding Photography for Dummies.Amber Murphy - 2013 - For Dummies.
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    Flower of the Desert: Giacomo Leopardi's Poetic Ontology.Timothy S. Murphy (ed.) - 2015 - State University of New York Press.
    _A profound meditation on Leopardi’s art and thought as well as a reframing and reassertion of Negri’s own philosophical and political project of liberation._.
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  41. Great Minds Percy Bysshe Shelley.John Murphy - 2000 - Free Inquiry 20.
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  42. How to Make Psychological Generalizations When Concepts Differ: A Case Study of Conceptual Development.Gregory L. Murphy - 2020 - In Teresa Marques & Åsa Wikforss, Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Judicial Nullification of Unconstitutional Legislation.Murphy - 1927 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 2 (1):121-133.
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    Kant’s Concept of a Right Action.Jeffrie G. Murphy - 1967 - The Monist 51 (4):574-598.
    Introduction. For the most part, Kant’s moral philosophy is no longer taught. What is taught instead is a parody of Kant’s moral philosophy. His views, generally used as a foil for some other view like utilitarianism, are summed up in a few popular cliches which have achieved the status of interpretive dogma. Small wonder that undergraduates go away thinking that Kant is, at worst, a moral fanatic or, at best, a well-intentioned bungler who allowed his right-wing political views and Pietist (...)
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    Ottoman Analogs to Utopia.Clare M. Murphy - 1981 - Moreana 18 (1):65-76.
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    Rider Haggard and the Lost Empire: A Biography, by Tom Pocock.Francesca Murphy - 1995 - The Chesterton Review 21 (1/2):127-130.
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    Stranger Cities: Australian Creation and the Ambidextrous Mind, a Profile of Portal Modernity.Peter Murphy - 2023 - BRILL.
    _Stranger Cities_ explores the nature of Australia’s distinctive urban civilization with its portal ontology, axial metaphysics, ambidextrous style of thinking, architectonic spirit, and happy phlegmatic outlook. This classic ethos is offset by various choleric and melancholic strands of Australian romanticism.
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    Technology and Equality.Colleen Murphy (ed.) - 2024 - London: Rowan and Littlefield.
    Analyzing the roles technology plays in growing global inequalities, this collection combines theory with case studies to expose causes and correlations, as well as potential solutions. Contributing scholars provide perspectives from history, sociology, gender studies, anthropology, economics, law, ethics, and philosophy.
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  49. The Theory of the Division of Labor in Classical Political Economy: An Aristotelian Critique.James Bernard Murphy - 1990 - Dissertation, Yale University
    I use the theory of the division of labor as a case-study in the logic of social explanation and to test the explanatory power of a new Aristotelian model for social theory. The classical political economists from Adam Smith to Karl Marx argue that the divisions of labor is both efficient and natural. I claim that this explanation suffers from a two-fold reductionism: the moral dimension of the division of labor is reduced to technical efficiency; and the customary and stipulated (...)
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    The Trinitarian Theology of St Thomas Aquinas.Francesca Aran Murphy (ed.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    A historical and systematic introduction to what the medieval philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas wrote about the Trinity. By focusing on the thought of one of the greatest defenders of the doctrine of the Trinity, Gilles Emery OP elucidates the classical Christian understanding of God.
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